Our FREE Football Sessions Help Local Children - Lewis' Story

Lewis at one of our FREE Kicks Football Sessions at Southfields Academy

Lewis has been attending our FREE Kicks Football Programme for just over a year. He's met new people he would not usually socialise with and his attitude and behaviour, on and off the pitch, has improved.

As a result of this positive change Lewis has represented AFC Wimbledon at local football tournaments, including the Crystal Palace Kicks tournament and two held here at Plough Lane.

Lewis is an extremely motivated young man who aspires to reach his goal of being a professional footballer.

Lewis is doing really well, he’s focused and it’s clear to see he has big aspirations. He’s respectful to all the coaches, however, he can still get frustrated when things don’t go his way, which is something we’re working with him to overcome
— Coach James

Changes observed to Lewis' behaviour...

  • Generally less disruptive

  • Makes more of an attempt to listen actively

He makes a great effort to be respectful and is very helpful at sessions.
— Coach Jason

About kicks

AFC Wimbledon Foundations runs various sessions in communities where the work can make a positive difference to local young people. Our evening Kicks sessions target young people and consist of high quality coaching, small sided competitive matches and opportunities to represent the Foundation in tournaments and matches against other professional clubs’ Kicks programmes.

Aims of PL Kicks:

  • Support the physical, social and mental development of young people

  • Develop social action, volunteering projects and pathways for young people into education, training and employment

  • Provide positive activities that strengthen local communities reducing anti social behaviour and violent crime

To join our Free Kicks sessions, click the button below

We need your support

Please make a donation so we can run more FREE sessions to inspire more young children like Lewis, changing their lives for the better.


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